Barcelona is more fun
with friends
Free Wi-Fi and more

24/7 reception desk

Accessible rooms

Free Wi-Fi
Best price

Exclusive activities

Breakfast buffet

10 friends makes a group
The best stories are written about friends…
As Woody Allen once said, “a lot is my favourite number”: if you’re planning a trip with your group of friends, colleagues, classmates, neighbours or family members, let our groups team give you a hand in making it special from start to finish.
We want to help you with the administrative hassle involved in organising a group trip and, what’s more, we follow the philosophy that the more of you there are, the more advantages you can enjoy at TCH.
If there are more than 10 of you, get in touch with us and we’ll tell you about all the benefits offered for group travel at THE CENTRAL HOUSE.

Does calling us sound like a chore? Let us call you